Saturday, September 22, 2012

New city = New library

Where are the librarians and library assistants I wondered when I went to return books to my local library? I did locate an employee who directed me to the area for checking in - only reading a little Danish I would not have realized that the machines that looked like the ones you use to check in at the airport were infact for books. Barcode side down the book is scanned and whisked off by mini conveyor belt to be processed.

So in Danish libraries the patrons do all the check in and check out. They also pick up their book holds from these cool carousels which each have the date the hold was placed. Makes me realize how the new library building in Nederland, Colorado was designed around needing to having a large circulation desk. Clearly in this part of northern Europe that is no longer the case.

The KOBENHAVN HOVEDBIBLIOTEK is a bustling place - two comfy lounges look out onto the street, with displays of current magazines and cafe tables. The WiFi network must have a fast connection judging from all the students working away on laptops.

Here is the main lobby area which is so bright even on the greyest of days due to the glass 
ceiling over the atrium. I have only explored the ground floor and first floor so far. I was delighted to find an extensive selection of novels in English - divided interestingly into an English (ie British) authors section, and then a separate American English authors section.

So now the apartment is set up, our shipment unpacked there really is no excuse on the reading front. Honestly though surrounded by another language, and one that is entirely unfamiliar, and navigating daily where all the print you see in your visual environment is in Danish, not much novel reading has been happening! I have applied to start taking the Module 1 of beginner Danish and the course starts early November.

A friend overseas commented that I seemed quite "bike obsessed". And I agree that is my reality - when I went to the library there were so many bikes parked outside it was impossible to get though them, and I had to continue down the street and double back ...

tak for læsning (thank you for reading)

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful library! It must be wonderful to have that nearby.
